Children's spine

Our expert for children's spines:
Prof. Dr. med. Michael Akbar.

Getting everything straight again.
A focal point of my treatment: scoliosis.

Scolosis occurs when the spine does not grow in the “normal” way but curves to the side, and the vertebrae twist at the same time. The majority of so-called “idiopathic” scolioses are due to genetics. But the cause is still not clear. Muscular diseases, neurological disorders or congenital malformations can also be the cause of curvature of the spine.

In some cases, scoliosis appears very early in small children. But it generally develops during growth spurts between the ages of nine and 14. My treatment has been focused on this area for many years, and I accompany families and my young patients with experience, expertise and a great deal of sensitivity. We determine an individually designed therapy and pay attention to all of the relevant factors such as the age and maturity of the child, localisation or bone situation, and we collaborate closely with physiotherapists.

Overview of my range of therapies for
children and adolescents:

Corset therapy
Moving the spine gently but effectively in a healthy direction during growth.

Classic scoliosis treatment procedure
Well-tried and recognised method, coordinated with the degree of curvature and the age of the child.

Modern methods of scoliosis treatment
The minimally invasive surgical procedure of the magnetically controlled and flexibly adjustable rods allows the straightened spine to grow naturally.

Growth-modulating scoliosis surgery
Correction of greater degrees of curvature without stiffening, and secure mobility with innovative procedures such as Vertebral Body Tethering (VBT) and in Germany also with Dynamic Scoliosis Correction (DSC) and Anterior Scoliosis Correction (ASC).

Modern kyphosis therapy
Successful treatment of reinforced hunchback and restoration of the lateral profile on the basis of exact diagnostics using X-rays, CT or MRI, for example.

Prof. Michael Akbar

Call to action

Are you looking for a real expert for children's spine treatment in Heidelberg? Dr. med. Michael Akbar, with many years of experience and high degree of expertise, is the right partner for all matters concerning any of the diseases and therapies regarding this topic.

Make an appointment now